
Nina Bolen



Robin's Relief Art Auction

Robin Sullins, mother of four, avid dog rescuer, artist, friend-of-fairy tale, was bitten on Christmas day while breaking up a family dog squabble. Her body reacted uncommonly, and violently, to a common dog bacteria. Her fingers and legs have been amputated, and she's on dialysis after multiple kidney failures.

She has been in intensive care at the University Medical Center Brackenridge in Austin, Texas since December 27th and is improving daily.

She is self-employed and uninsured.

To read her full story and see the news covered by CNN, Inside Edition, The New York Daily News, visit

This auction is for medical bills, and to finance new legs and new hands for Robin.

Help us bring her home.

Auction starts February 14th & new items are added daily. If you're a fan of fantasy art please check it out. Some items are starting as low as $10! It's a chance to own some amazing artwork & it's all for a good cause.

Auction link~

Duirwaigh Studios FaceBook page~
Robins FaceBook page~

One of my paintings will be going up later in the auction. Please fav this journal & if you're on FaceBook please share & help spread the word!

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